An experienced Minnesota Expungement Lawyer should be able to determine what records are needed in order to prepare the best possible expungement motion. With nearly twenty five years of experience I strongly recommend that you have all the police reports, a copy of the complaint and if available the sentencing order. If you don’t have… Read more »
I Want to Expunge My Criminal Case, But Who Do I Serve?
I hear this all the time from clients, “I want to expunge my criminal case but it seems so complicated and I don’t know who to ‘serve’.” This is one of the reasons why you may need an Experienced Minnesota Expungement Lawyer on your side. Here is why: You cannot simply file the petition for… Read more »
What Can I Expect at My Expungement Hearing
Going to court without an attorney can be a frightening experience. Judges typically expect you to know the law and may hold you to the same standard as an attorney. Having an experienced Minnesota Expungement Lawyer with you can be a tremendous advantage for you. If you have an experienced Minnesota Expungement Lawyer he will… Read more »
Can My Case be Expunged?
The question of whether a case or conviction can be expunged depends upon the age of the case or conviction, the original charge, was it pled down or dismissed, was there diversion or a stay of adjudication? Only an experienced Minnesota Expugement Lawyer can provide you with the necessary information to determine whether your case can be… Read more »
What is the Process to have my Case Expunged?
A Minnesota Expungement Lawyer should know the expungement process backwards and forwards and should be able to guide you from the collection of facts and information to appearing in court. The first step is to gather as much of the facts and court records as possible and determine if there was a conviction. Some convictions cannot… Read more »
My Case Was Dismissed. Why Does it Still Appear on my Record?
As an experienced Minnesota Expungement Lawyer I often get asked this question. “If my case was dismissed, why does it still show up?” The answer is very simple. In Minnesota, except for small claims court hearings, all courts are “courts of record”. This means there is a record of everything that takes place either in courtroom… Read more »
When Can I Ask the Court to Expunge my Case?
Determining when you can ask a court to expunge your case is a crucial part of the decision making process when it comes time to consider whether to move forward the expungement process. Having an experienced Minnesota Expungement Lawyer on your side with a proven track record of victories is critical if you want to… Read more »
Why You Need A Minnesota Expungement Lawyer
Having an experienced Minnesota expungement lawyer on your side with a proven track record of victories is crucial if you want to have reasonable chance of success. Expungement law in Minnesota is complicated. It is not simply a “fill in the blank” process. At a minimum there are two statutes control when an expungement can… Read more »
What is the difference between a motion to “seal” a case versus a motion to expunge?
Some convictions cannot be expunged. For a list of convictions that can be expunged look at Minnesota’s expungement statutes, 609A.02 and 609A.03. There you will find convictions that can be expunged. If you are unsure if your case can be expunged call an experienced expungement lawyer with over twenty years of courtroom experience. Call Martin… Read more »
Comparing Old and New Expungement Laws in Minnesota
Here is where you will find helpful information and answers to questions you may have about Minnesota Expungement and what a Minnesota Expungement Lawyer can do for you. The Old Expungement Law: Briefly, in 2015 the law concerning expungements changed for the better. Before 2015, with few exceptions it was difficult, if not impossible, to… Read more »